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13 Unique First Communion and Confirmation Gift Ideas

LPi • April 27, 2023

It's that time of year! Confirmation and First Communions are often celebrated in the spring and that means youth ministers, faith formation directors, and other parish staff members are tasked with finding gifts for those celebrating. If your church has a class of Communicants or Confirmands that you'd like send off with a gift, we've compiled a list of unique options.

Free Gift Ideas:

  • Gather a spiritual bouquet. This is sweet way to present someone special with a collection of prayers. Start by gathering prayerful commitments from folks — a rosary said in their name, a novena offered for their special intentions, offered-up sufferings, etc. — and then document the commitments before presenting them to the recipient. Customize one of our WeCreate graphic templates with flowers in the art to complete the presentation. Spiritual bouquets may be low-cost, but they are meaningful to us who believe in the power of prayer. 

  • Have a Mass offered for them. A colleague in your church office should be able to help you with the request. Many churches will also send a Mass intention card to the person for whom the Mass is offered so make sure you have their address on hand.

  • Make them a special treat like cookies, cupcakes, or some blueberry pancakes with whipped cream for breakfast if the person receiving their sacrament is in your family!

  • Letters from Family & Friends — make a card using one of the beautiful Gospel Illustrations or other Catholic art in WeCreate then write a heart-felt letter to the person who is receiving their sacrament. Bonus if you get other people in their lives to also write them a letter of encouragement and congratulations! Imagine showing up to a youth’s Confirmation with an envelope full of love letters from their closest pals. What a gift!

  • Take them on an adventure- like a hike, a picnic in a park, or to visit a church they have never been to. Check out what churches are located near you here.

Gifts You Can Buy:

  • Make them a custom mug, t-shirt, or other swag with their Confirmation saint on it or use WeCreate to find an image you like. There are plenty of online options to print custom products that are affordable.

  • Purchase them a subscription to a Catholic app like Hallow or Laudate.

  • Buy them your favorite scented candle to symbolize Christ’s light in their life then print your own label for it by customizing one of our WeCreate templates for Confirmation or First Communion.

  • Framed photo of you and the child together. Here are some First Communion themed frames and some digital pieces to compliment any first Sacrament image can be found in WeCreate.

  • A tree sapling for them to plant in their backyard or, if they don’t have a backyard, a potted plant to remind them of their special day.

  • Sponsor a child in their name for a year.

  • Gift an experience like tickets to a movie, a sports game, or purchase a gift certificate to their favorite restaurant.

  • Turn a favorite Bible verse into a soundwave art print.


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