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5 Postcard Ideas to Inspire Your Faith Community

LPi • December 9, 2021

If you’re only sending out year-end statement letters, you are missing out on a huge opportunity to reach out and engage your parishioners. Sending a communication to your members is a great way to connect with them on an entirely new level and invite them more fully into relationship with your church — and with God.

As we navigate a world that constantly asks us for things — money, time, attention — your parish can send out a communication that gives. Here are five postcard ideas you can use to inspire your faith community.

New Pastor

A typical church sees a new priest every four years. Help your members get to know the new man who will be leading your flock with an introductory message from him. You can include a photo, a short biography (such as where he’s coming from, his hobbies, and what he hopes to bring to your faith community), and a reminder of Mass and Confession times.

Welcome to St. Bernadette Parish, Fr. Michael!

Biography: how long he’s been a priest, where he’s served before, his favorite hobbies, and what he’s most excited to experience at the parish.

Holy Week Schedule

Whether it be Holy Week or a list of family Advent activities, give your parishioners something to stick on their fridge to be reminded of upcoming events. Lent activities could be Ash Wednesday service, Stations of the Cross, opportunities for Confession, Lenten missions, Eucharistic adoration, and penance services. If you’re planning for Advent, welcome them to Mass each Sunday for the lighting of the Advent wreath, and to attend a Christmas concert with the choir.

Join the faith community of St. Bernadette Parish as we celebrate Holy Week!

Holy Thursday/Mass of the Lord’s Supper | 7 p.m.

Good Friday Service| 12 p.m.

Holy Saturday/Easter Vigil | 8 p.m.

Easter | 9 a.m., 11 a.m., 12:30 p.m.

Invitation to Sunday Mass

Sometimes, all it takes is a reminder that the Church is here, and our Lord is waiting for us with an open heart. Nudge your members to more consistent Mass attendance by sending them weekday and weekend Mass times, Confession opportunities, Eucharistic adoration, and holy day reminders. Remember to also add on the link to your online giving platform, so parishioners can sign up to be recurring givers.

Jesus has given us the Eucharist so that we can know that he is always with us — he is present, body, blood, soul, and divinity! Come to Mass and experience Jesus’ presence in the Eucharist with us.

Saturday | 5 p.m.

Sunday | 8 a.m., 10 a.m., 12 p.m.

Prayer Request

We all need a little extra spiritual support — these days more than ever! Remind your members that your parish is a community of support by taking their prayer requests. From illness in the family, job loss, or the death of a loved one, the power of prayer will be obvious for those who share. Invite them to write their prayer requests in your book of intentions or send them in via email. Some parishes and dioceses even designate a specific day of the week and ask their members to share via Facebook.

We’d like to remind you that our Church community is here for you. What is it that you’d like us to pray for? We would be honored to pray for your intentions.

Reminder to Give

It isn’t that people don’t want to give — rather, sometimes life just gets in the way. We leave the house in a hurry and forget the envelope and a check, or you don’t have any cash to place in the collection basket. Eliminate all roadblocks that forgetful parishioners experience by reminding them that your parish accepts recurring online giving. With a few clicks, they can set up their account and ensure that their gifts make it to your parish no matter where they find themselves each Sunday.


Our online giving site makes it easy to set up a recurring weekly or monthly donation to our parish and to give to various parish-wide collections throughout the year. Please prayerfully consider sharing your gifts with us by joining us online and making a recurring gift. God bless!

Want more blog content to inspire your parish staff? Check out the "Parish Life" section of our weekly blog

Updated on 3-11-2024


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