Guided by our customer feedback, we've launched a cover series starting in Advent, Deceber 2023, called the Immerse Series. This week, we sat down with the lovely designer of the new series, Kristen, to learn more about it and to give our readers a little sneak peek before we start releasing these beautiful new covers into WeCreate.
Q. Hi Kristen, can you introduce this new series to us?
Sure thing! The Immerse series is designed to have more of a macro-focus on the Gospel message of each week, paired with nature photography specifically selected to reference that week’s readings. This series starts in December for the new liturgical cycle and includes three different image size options in both Spanish and English.
Q. Why are there multiple image size options for each cover?
A. We have different sizes of cover images available because churches have different needs for their bulletin covers. Some parishes use a half page, some a full page, and some use these pieces of cover content inside their bulletins instead. We wanted to create a variety of options so that everyone can make use of this beautiful series in whatever way their parish needs.
Q. What was the concept behind this cover series?
A. Our concept for the Immerse series was inspired by the survey responses that we’ve received from Church staff across the country. We found, from these responses, that there was a significant request for more nature imagery paired with the weekly gospel for bulletin covers. Customers also indicated their need for designs with text that is larger and that stands out more boldly on the cover as its main focus.
Q. How did you approach the design?
A. First, I made three completely different design options to present to our team. All focused on the same image and Gospel passage but using different text treatments, colors, and design styles. One design element I wanted to be sure to incorporate into the series was a “focus word” that popped out as visually distinct in every cover. Once the three design options were completed, I sent them over to our LPi graphic design manager and our brand and art director for them to choose their favorite. The option that they chose just happened to also be my favorite of the three designs! Once we made the choice, I got to work. I’ll continue to design these covers throughout 2024.
Q. What do you hope churches get out of these covers?
A. My hope is to give parish communities great quality artwork to showcase on their bulletin covers.
Q. Who are these covers for?
A. These covers are for any parish that wants to try a more modern approach to design on their bulletins while also staying true to the traditional Gospel message of the Church. Although it’s not necessarily traditional-looking artwork, the covers do lend themselves more toward focusing on the Gospel which makes them the perfect blend of modern design and traditional messaging.
Q. What is something you’d like our parishes to know about the design or work you’ve put into these covers?
A. One thing I’d love people to know is that these covers often feature images of the Holy Land and other photography of locations that mirror each week’s Gospel message. For example, when the readings speak about Jesus in the desert, I chose imagery of the Judean Desert so that the image used was accurate to the message. Another example of this is a cover using a verse from the story of John the Baptist baptizing Jesus and the image I used for that cover is from the actual Jordan River where the event happened historically.
Q. What do you like about the Immerse series?
A. One thing I like about this series is the fact that we have three options for different sizes that parishes can fit into their bulletins however they want. Each size’s imagery is specifically curated to fit that size so that, no matter what image a parish uses on its bulletin cover, it looks professional, fresh, bright, and inviting.
Thank you, Kristen, for letting us know more about this new upcoming cover series!
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Updated on 03-18-2024
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