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Better Bulletins, Stronger Parishes: Simple Changes for Big Results

December 19, 2024
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Your parish bulletin is a key communication tool for your church community. With a few simple adjustments, you can transform it into a vibrant, engaging resource that parishioners look forward to each week. Here are six easy ways to take your bulletin to the next level.

1. Go Digital

Offering a digital bulletin isn’t just convenient — it’s essential. A digital version ensures your bulletin is accessible to parishioners on the go, reaches those unable to attend Mass in person, and connects with those who prefer to consume their news and other information online. With LPi's free digital bulletin service, including a digital bulletin for your parishioners alongside your printed bulletin is seamless. We make it super simple to deliver your bulletin to parishioner’s inboxes and to host it on Parishes Online, our online parish directory used by Catholics nation-wide.

2. Use a Professionally Designed Cover Image

Don’t miss the opportunity to grab the attention of potential bulletin readers by having a weak cover design or image. The cover of your bulletin is your first impression to potential readers, so it must look good! You can save time on designing your bulletin cover by using one of the many professionally designed and liturgically relevant cover images available in WeCreate, our library of Catholic digital art and content. WeCreate has options for full-page cover images designed specifically to make your bulletin cover look amazing, half page covers, and even quarter page covers to fit your needs. From Illustrations of the weekly Gospel message to saint quotes and more, there’s a cover image perfect for every parish community. In fact, we just added a new series to the many that we already have. Use images from the same series every week or mix and match to your heart’s content!


3. Update Your Masthead

Your masthead — the header of your bulletin — sets the tone for the entire publication. Is it outdated or cluttered? Consider rebuilding it with a clean, modern design that includes your parish’s name, logo, and contact information. Need help making it perfect? Our design team offers free bulletin redesigns for all of LPi’s bulletin customers, ensuring your masthead represents your parish beautifully while communicating key details at a glance. We have worked with parishes across the country to design new bulletin templates that perfectly represent their unique community.

4. Stick to Consistent Branding

Consistency is key to building a recognizable parish identity. Limit your fonts to one or two families and use your parish’s colors throughout the bulletin. Avoid overwhelming readers with too many styles. If you don’t already have a brand guide, LPi’s team can help you establish one that includes fonts, colors, and even a refreshed logo tailored to your parish’s unique identity. In fact, here’s an article on parish branding that can help you determine if it’s time for a new logo and brand for your parish! You can also dive into some of our favorite church logo examples to get some fresh inspiration.

5. Use Engaging, Relevant Content

Your bulletin isn’t just about announcements — it’s a tool for evangelization and community engagement. Include high-quality, relevant content like weekly Gospel reflections, saint biographies, educational Catholic content, and children’s activities. A Catholic content library like WeCreate can make this easy. For example, every Sunday, WeCreate users get access to written content specific to the Sunday’s readings collected into a single document to easily copy-and-paste into their bulletin. We even have original Catholic comics that are both funny and formational!  

6. Embrace Clean, Reader-Friendly Designs

A cluttered bulletin can overwhelm your readers. Opt, instead, for a clean layout with plenty of white space to make the text easy to navigate. Break up long columns of text with images or use a two (or three) column format for better readability. Avoid stretching images or using outdated clip art. High-quality visuals make a huge difference. To see some examples of great reader-friendly designs, check out our recent article: Visual Ministry — Discover the Strongest Parish Bulletin Designs of 2024!

By implementing these ideas, your parish bulletin can become a more effective tool for communication and community building. Remember, if you want help taking your bulletin to the next level, LPi serves thousands of churches nation-wide with expert design services, digital solutions, beautiful printing, fast delivery, and a wealth of content to make your bulletin as vibrant as your unique parish community!

Contact us today to get started!

For more Catholic parish bulletin inspiration, tools, and tips, head over to the “Church Bulletins” section of our blog.


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