Every month we release free graphics from WeCreate for anyone to use in their parish communications as part of our Catholic Free Art Collection. In fact, you can get a reminder about monthly new releases and free art emailed directly to your inbox every month!
This month, take a look at our Easter collection to give your parish a head start on your planning and publishing! Remember, if you like what you see here but you want to go beyond our free art collection and get access to the thousands of Catholic graphics, templates, content pieces, and everything else that we create monthly for our partnered churches to use year-round, it’s as simple as subscribing to
WeCreate. In the meantime, here’s a sampling of what we’ve got in store for Easter:
This Easter bulletin cover is from our Immerse Series. In WeCreate, the covers we design for church bulletins often come in multiple image size options for both English and Spanish. This way you can always find an option to fit whatever design parameters your parish may have for their bulletin. These images can also be used in other ways like digitally on your website, to support educational material, or however else you need!
WeCreate has flyer templates for all sorts of occasions professionally designed to save you time! To customize this Easter flyer, all you have to do is select the flyer in WeCreate, insert your parish’s information in the text boxes provided, and voilà! You have a beautifully designed flyer advertising your Easter Mass schedule for your parish.
We don’t stop at flyer templates, though, we have hundreds of templates for graphics, bulletin covers, bulletin layouts, and even postcards/mailers (see below) for you to easily customize for your church’s needs!
To be fair, any flyer or image can technically be used in the mail but, we make sure to design templates that also perfectly fit to the size of a standard postcard so you can easily toss it in the mailbox! These templates, like the flyers above, can be customized to say whatever you want through WeCreate. USPS’s Every Door Direct Mail Quick Reference can get you started and our tips on how to reach every household in your neighborhood with mail campaigns can help you make this Easter a season of invitation and community!
Alongside the templates and cover art, we also have some Easter-specific graphics available in our free art.
These would be perfect for a social media post or included in an email newsletter!
Another great resource we have inside of WeCreate is a plethora of Catholic content to use in your parish’s Facebook and/or Instagram stories feed! We even have a guide on how to use story graphics to build your parish’s engagement online that you can peek at to get you started. These Easter story graphics feature Easter traditions from Catholics around the world and are a great way to share in our global Catholic identity this year!
We hope you love these images and all the other graphics we have available in our WeCreate Catholic Free Art Collection. May you and your entire parish community have a very blessed Easter!
“Yes, Christ is truly risen, and we are witnesses of this. We proclaim this witness to the world, so that the joy which is ours will reach countless other hearts, kindling in them the light of the hope which does not disappoint.” — St. John Paul II, 2000
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