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From Blank Canvas to Vibrant Inspiration: LPi Reveals Stunning New Office Mural

Chelsea Wilde • June 5, 2023

We are proud to announce that our main offices in New Berlin are looking a little different these days! Why? We’ve installed a mural in one of the most trafficked areas of the building — right outside the bathrooms and next to the kitchen/break room.


The idea to install a big mural was spearheaded by the HR and Marketing departments. Candy Underwood, Vice President of Human Resources, tells the story.

“Our marketing team is THE BOMB! They created a bunch of potential designs. Every single design was beautiful yet distinctive from the others. Our HR team of six was given the heavy burden of deciding which one to pick. We met as a team, reviewed each design carefully, and then used a highly-validated, scientific approach to make our decision — On the count of three, we showed our hands with our fingers indicating which number design was our favorite. All six of us chose this design! Literally, a “hands-down” winner. The Marketing team took it from there — refining the design, finding a vendor, and managing the installation. A big thank you to our graphic design manager, Evan Vogel, and his team!”

The final design chosen was originally created by LPi graphic designer Gaby Lazcano. Jake Adams, of the marketing design team, collaborated with Gaby to ensure that this piece was the best it could be. The image is centered around sharing the LPi core values in a fun and engaging way. It incorporates our brand colors, logo, and a U.S. map with the locations of all our offices marked.

A huge THANK YOU to everyone who played a part in helping this beautiful mural come to life! 


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