Every week inside WeCreate, our library of Catholic graphics and content, we provide a selection of different styles of cover art for parishes to use in their bulletins. Each unique style is collected into a series and each series is created by our LPi design team with the liturgical seasons and weekly Mass readings as guides. Including a beautiful and intentional cover image as part of your bulletin design maximizes the reach of a parish’s communications efforts. It can also give first-time readers and visitors that influential, good first impression needed to lend credibility to your organization.
Join us as we explore the many cover series currently available in WeCreate and the best ways to use them in your own weekly publication.
Each cover series is available in both English and Spanish as well as in three different sizes to fit the unique needs of your parish’s bulletin design. To find each cover image’s size and language options inside WeCreate, select the cover design you are interested in and, once opened, options for each image size and language can be found on the right side of the window, next to the image preview.
Here is an example of full size, square size, and half size formats, that can be found all for the same cover design:
The Vibrant series is a popular series that we’ve reimagined for this year’s liturgical calendar! This series features a scripture quote from the weekly Mass readings, the liturgical calendar date or celebration, and an exquisite sacred art piece — all combined together inside a design bursting with color! It’s no wonder we named this series “Vibrant”!
Jump to this series in WeCreate.
The Immerse cover series is designed to have a macro-focus on the Gospel message heard at Mass each week, paired with beautiful photography specifically selected to reference that week’s readings. These covers often feature images of the Holy Land and other locations specific to each week’s Gospel message. Read an interview we recently published with this series’ designer to learn more.
Jump to this series in WeCreate.
Like the Vibrant Series, we reimagined our Traditional Series for 2024 as well! The 2024 Traditional Cover Series features a lithograph-style image alongside a snippet of scripture that directly correlates to that week’s Gospel message. These visually appealing pieces combine traditional and modern aspects of art and design, perfect for a multigenerational parish! We love that the Sunday of the year is incorporated into the halo inside each graphic and that the lithographic part of the image is repeated subtly within the background color. To learn more about these covers and the artist behind them, check out this article.
Jump to this series in WeCreate.
This stunning cover series is a little different from the others in that it is only available in a square format. Each illustration is carefully hand drawn to reflect each week’s Gospel message. These pieces incorporate incredible colors and, often, a perspective that invites the viewer directly into the story as either an observer or direct participant. For example, in fourth image from the left, the perspective is that of someone standing in line to be baptized by John the Baptist, possibly witnessing the Baptism of Jesus! To learn more about the creation of this series, meet the illustrator here.
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The following series were completed in past years but are still available every week inside WeCreate!
This series features quotes from Catholic saints alongside photos or illustrations of those saints, words briefly describing who they were, and a small focus image that helps tell the story of each individual.
Jump to this series in WeCreate.
Our Vibrant Covers used to have a totally different look! We keep the old covers available to our WeCreate subscribers because their combination of traditional art with a splash of modern design continues to make this a popular series.
Jump to this series in WeCreate.
Before their redesign, our Traditional Cover Series looked like this. This series incorporates historical art with a clean design and shares a longer-form selection of scripture from each week’s Gospel message.
Jump to this series in WeCreate.
Do you need access to WeCreate so that your parish can make use of these incredible bulletin cover series? Learn more about WeCreate here.
Parishes who already partner with LPi for their bulletin services already receive free access to WeCreate! If you need help navigating the resources inside WeCreate, check out our short online tutorial video series or reach out to us!
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