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Prep Your Parish Website for the Upcoming Holy Days

Oct 10, 2024

Creating and maintaining a professional and excellent looking website shouldn’t have to take all your time. In fact, if you are part of a parish staff, it’s possible you feel like your work hours could be better spent on countless other tasks to serve your community. However, keeping your parish website up-to-date not only nurtures the spiritual journey of your community, but also acts as a digital beacon, casting a warm, inviting glow across the vast sea of online distractions for newcomers and parishioners alike.

Luckly, LPi has everything parishes need to save valuable ministry time while still providing stand-out content on their websites. With WeConnect, LPi’s church website builder, parishes can easily create beautiful websites using pre-designed sections that are ready to drag, drop, and publish quickly. Our team regularly designs and releases seasonally relevant website sections to meet various holiday needs — from decorative banners shouting out the next feast day to graphics for Mass times and event announcements. These sections are optimized to look stunning on mobile devices, too!

Leading up to this year’s winter season, parishes using WeConnect will see a number of new options available for the holidays. We’ll share a few of the newest offerings for Advent, Christmas, and New Years below. To view the entire collection, contact us for a WeConnect demo today!

WeConnect Holiday Sections Sneak Peek:


Advent — 

Christmas —

New Year —

Want to learn more about WeConnect? Check out some of these before and after images of parish websites built with it here.


Looking for more website inspiration for your parish staff? Head over to the “Web and Social Media” section of our blog.


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