In anticipation of the
National Eucharistic Congress in July 2024, we have been working to generate a library of Eucharistic themed content for our church partners. One thing we are most excited about, though, is the people involved in the Eucharistic Congress, so we asked Fr. Joseph Jean-Louis, currently of Florida, to speak with us about his work as one of the
50 National Eucharistic Preachers.
This special group of diverse priests have been commissioned to be the “boots on the ground” to help prepare the nation for the Congress by traveling to dioceses and churches preaching and guiding Americans to individual conversion.
Allow us to introduce Fr. Joseph Jean-Louis:
Q. Hello! Please introduce yourself and what your ministry is/ministries are.
Hi, my name is Fr. Joseph Jean-Louis. I was born in Haiti on February 14, 1972. After my studies at a secondary school, I entered the Pre-Novitiate for the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate in September 1995. I made my first religious vows on September 8, 1997, in Blanchard Port-au-Prince, Haiti. I continued to first formation at Oblate Community in Port-au-Prince where I completed my studies in philosophy. My provincial then decided to send me to Colombia as a missionary before beginning my studies in theology. After my time in Colombia, I was sent to Bolivia where I continued my formation and obtained my bachelor’s in theology at the Universidad Católica San Pablo. That same year, in February, I made my perpetual vows in Cochabamba, Bolivia. At this point, I was already ordained to the transitional Deaconate.
After my ordination to the priesthood in Haiti on November 8, 2003, I returned to Colombia, where I worked as the director of a seminary. During that time, I also became the vocations director for my congregation and served in that capacity for seven years. My congregation decided to further my training and sent me to Madrid, Spain. At the Universidad Pontificia Comillas de Madrid, I obtained a degree specializing in family psychotherapy.
I arrived in the Archdiocese of Miami in 2012. I have served as an associate Pastor at St. Timothy Catholic Church in Corpus Christi, at Sacred Heart, and as the administrator of Christ the King Catholic Church where I have been since June 2022.
Q. How did you become one of the National Eucharistic Preachers? What are your goals for that role?
A. I received the invitation to become a National Eucharistic Preacher from my Archbishop. I was honored to accept the invitation to join the team and to serve as a National Eucharistic Preacher in dioceses across the country throughout the Revival. I believe this decision is one that the Lord has ordained me for, and I’m humbled to be chosen to serve the Church in this manner. I know it’s a demanding mission. It’s requiring preparation and dedication, and, at the same time, it is part of my mission as a priest.
As a Eucharistic Preacher, my goal is to bring people directly into the presence of Jesus in the Eucharist in this difficult time that we are living in. It is a great opportunity for me, as a priest, to motivate people about the value and the meaning of the Eucharist in the life of the Church as well as in our lives as Christians and followers of Christ. The pandemic brought us a new reality that we must deal with as a Church. It is a crucial moment to help our communities to grow in love with the Eucharist and understand that we believe in the Real Presence of Jesus, not just the virtual presence of Jesus.
Q. What do you hope are the graces that come from the Eucharistic Congress event?
A. I’m confident that the Congress will open the hearts of the people of God to a deeper understanding of the Holy Mass and what receiving Christ in the Holy Eucharist means. The congress will help the people to see the Eucharist with new eyes, but also to embrace the mystical body of Christ in a very powerful way. We will see thousands of Catholics who love the Eucharist gathered together in Indiana and I think that we all will take great courage and strength from such an encounter. I’m hopeful that it will produce great fruits and will lead the people to a deeper encounter with Jesus Christ in the Eucharist.
Q. What has been the most meaningful part of being part of the EC?
Being part of the Eucharistic Preachers brings me joy as I love to celebrate Mass and preach. Being part of this great project helps me to fall in love more and more with the Eucharist as the center of my life as a priest. I would also say that is has made me stronger than ever in my daily devotion for the Eucharist.
Q. What Should Catholics do to prepare for the event?
A. The Eucharistic Revival will be a key element in the renewal of the Church. To respond to this great invitation and holy moment, prayer should be the key. We must prioritize prayer in our daily lives.
Q. Please share a story of how the Eucharist has affected your life.
A. I came to know of the incredible power of the Eucharist personally during my first Mass on November 9, 2003. It was a powerful experience. When I joined my hands and extended them over the Body and Blood of Christ, and showed the consecrated host and chalice to the people as Body and Blood of Christ, I could not believe that God had allowed me, a sinner, to touch his Body and Blood. Now, every time I celebrate the Eucharist, I still feel the same attraction for my Lord. This is one of the reasons I decided to open our parish’s daily adoration chapel perpetually, 24 hours a day, this year — to help my community stay in touch with the Eucharistic Jesus.
Thank you so much, Fr. Joseph, for giving us some insight into your life and experience!
Want more inspiration for the Eucharistic Congress? You can find our collection of Eucharistic themed graphics, social media stories, quotes, photography, and more under the
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