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The Vineyard

Colleen Jurkiewicz Dorman • September 29, 2023

The second son never showed up to the vineyard. Did he get lost? Did he get tired? Did he not know where to begin?

When it comes right down to it, good intentions amount to very little. We all know this, don’t we? “Show me, don’t tell me.” “I’ll believe it when I see it.” It’s as true in the workplace and in relationships as it is in the life of the Christian disciple.

It doesn’t matter if we intend to work in the vineyard. It doesn’t matter if we promise to, if we think about it a lot, or if we make grand plans for what we will accomplish there. None of that matters if we don’t show up. Before we show up, we have to find the way.

Showing up is the whole point. The work is the point, not the intention.

But all this begs the question: what does the work mean for us as baptized Catholics in the modern world? Spending our Saturdays in soup kitchens and homeless shelters? Standing on a street corner shouting out the words of the Gospel?

Our baptismal call is to the vineyard. Where is our vineyard? How do we show up? We are ready, Lord, we say. We intend to work. But where do we go?

My vineyard is not your vineyard, and so it’s not my place to tell you how to get there. I am glad you want to go, but you’ll have to find your own way, just like I will. But I can tell you this: only one voice will lead you there. If you listen to it, you will find your vineyard.

“Good and upright is the LORD; thus he shows sinners the way.” — Psalm 25:8



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