Guided by our customer’s feedback through surveys we’ve sent out over the past few months, we are proud to announce that we’re launching another brand-new bulletin cover series for the new cycle of the Liturgical Year, Year B, starting this upcoming Advent in December 2023. (If you missed the previous new cover series announcement, you can find it here) The Traditional Series features beautiful traditional-style Biblical illustrations combined with modern graphic design and we love how they have turned out!
This week, we sit down with the talented designer of these new covers, Gaby, to give our viewers a first look at this beautiful series before we start releasing them into WeCreate.
Q. Hi Gaby, can you introduce this new series to us?
A. Hi! The new cover series I’ve been designing is called The Traditional Series. Each week these designs feature a lithograph style image alongside a scripture that directly correlates to that week’s Gospel message.
Q. Why are there multiple image size options for each cover?
A. The covers are available in multiple image sizes so that parishes can use the images with more flexibility when it comes to their bulletin layout. Parishes that have more room on their bulletin cover may want to use the full-page design, while those that have a more text-heavy publication will gravitate towards a half-page or square style design. Including multiple sizes and orientations for every design gives parishes the ability to use these images on their website, social media platforms, and other communications if they want.
Q. What was the concept behind this cover series and how did you approach the design?
A. I did my best to bring about a visually appealing piece that combines traditional and modern aspects of art and design. To do this, I introduced more movement into the pieces as well as a more collage-style layout.
I was inspired by images I’ve seen that use negative space creatively and asked myself, “How can I create a design that utilizes negative space, has a collage “feel” to it, and avoids the stagnant look that some traditional artwork has had previously?”
This led me to the design choice of having cut outs on these covers. What I mean by that is, once I am given the lithograph image and scripture for a particular week, I cut out the figure(s) that directly correlate to the Bible verse. That way the image and the verse are connected. It was also important to me that the image interacts with the text so that everything in the piece is harmoniously intertwined.
Q. Who are these covers for?
A. These covers can be used by any parish! Churches who value traditional imagery will enjoy them as well as those who might lean toward a more modern approach to their bulletin design. My hope is that the designs are also popular across different generations of viewers.
Q. What is something you’d like our parishes to know about the design or work you’ve put into these covers?
A. When our department is coming up with a new cover series every designer on our team gets to create a new concept. We are given the source material and what the covers should include but then we can be as creative as we want when we come up with our original designs. After a few iterations of each design following feedback from our leadership team, one design is selected as the new series going forward. It was a nice surprise when I found out my design was chosen!
I was motivated by a graphic style that I saw in a blog post that I actually used as inspiration for a WeCreate clip months ago. It was cool for me to take that one-time, digital graphic piece I created for WeCreate and develop it into an entire cover series!
Thank you, Gaby, for letting us know more about this new upcoming cover series!
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