Marketing & Communications

Catholic resouces

Trending Topics for Effective Evangelization

The goal of parish marketing is to get the Good News of Jesus Christ out to the surrounding community and beyond. Unfortunately, it takes more than a bulletin announcement or a short message at the pulpit. From effective communication messages to campaign-wide marketing initiatives, read on for trending topics and best practices to help get your message out.

A book titled 7 steps to better parish emails.

7 Steps to Better Parish Emails

A blue book titled social media and your parish.

Social Media and Your Parish

A book about creating a welcoming parish website.

Creating a Welcoming Parish Website

A book titled 5 steps to creating an effective marketing campaign for your parish.

5 Steps to Creating an Effective Marketing Campaign for Your Parish

A yellow book titled the best church subject lines you aren't using.

The Best Church Subject Lines You Aren’t Using

A red book titled how church connection cards can help grow your parish.

How Church Connection Cards Can Help Grow Your Parish

A blue book titled

Why You Should Write a Parish Tagline

A red book titled

Bring Your Bulletin to Life in 6 Easy Steps

A red book titled

How to Extend Your Catholic Community to Those Supporting You

A purple book titled

How to Use Branding to Send More Powerful Messages

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